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Decrease Your Home’s Carbon Footprint With Seamless Energy and Home Management


As technology has paved the way for cleaner energy, many homeowners have begun decreasing their home’s energy consumption and embracing green solutions. With smart technology, reducing power usage is easy. Keep reading to check out these four smart power solutions that you can integrate into your Manhattan, NY, home.

How to Create a Video Wall in Your Home

Maximize your home entertainment

How to Create a Video Wall in Your Home

Have you ever sat down to watch something but couldn’t decide? Maybe there’s a game you really want to catch, but your significant other wants to watch the latest episode of their TV show. Or perhaps you want to enjoy a movie while your kids want to play a video game. So how do you choose?

With a video wall, there’s no need for your family members to fight over the remote. Instead, you can all enjoy your entertainment of choice while sitting in the same room on the same couch. By installing a video wall in your Manhattan, NY, there’s no cap on the entertainment you can enjoy at any time. Keep reading to learn more about video walls and how to create one in your home.

How HVAC Control Increases Energy Efficiency for Your Home

Updating your HVAC system can help your family be more energy conscious.

How HVAC Control Increases Energy Efficiency for Your Home

A great deal of the energy your Southampton, NY, home uses comes from your heating and cooling system. Advanced HVAC control allows you to make informed decisions regarding your heat, air conditioning, and ventilation. This will majorly impact your monthly energy bills, which is fantastic for both the environment and your wallet. 

If you're wondering how your family can become more aware of the energy you use, you can start with your HVAC system. Keep reading to discover the benefits of routine HVAC maintenance and what you can track to keep your home energy efficient. 

Maintain the Best Home Wifi Setup with Electronic Environments

Reliable wifi is crucial, primarily as the school year winds down. Does your current setup have what it takes?

Maintain the Best Home Wifi Setup with Electronic Environments

Though most of New York will experience cold temperatures and blustery weather for the next couple of months, summer, and therefore the end of the school year, is not as far off as it seems. Before the kids are home full-time and you pack up to head off to your summer home, you'll want to ensure it has the best home wifi setup Southampton, NY, has to offer!

Electronic Environments can help you take control of your home network, giving you dependable access whenever you need it. Keep reading to learn more about why a strong wifi connection will prove crucial in the coming months and all year long! 


8 West 38th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10018
(212) 997-1110

The Hamptons

50 Station Road
Building 3-2
Water Mill, NY 11976
(631) 488-4747
Lutron Black Diamond Dealer

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