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Motorized Shades Deliver Beautiful Views

Elevate Your Home’s Comfort & Beauty with these Window Treatments

Motorized Shades Deliver Beautiful Views

The allure of breathtaking views often defines the essence of a home! Motorized shades are a sophisticated innovation, seamlessly blending the captivating outdoor vistas with the comforts and elegance of indoor living.

In this blog, we’ll explore how motorized shades not only add convenience and sophistication but also allow you to immerse yourself in mesmerizing views while maintaining control and privacy within your beautiful Southampton, NY, home. Keep reading below to learn more!

Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Upgrade Your Lighting Control Systems

Get Your Summer Home Ready Now and Enjoy the Best Living Experience!

Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Upgrade Your Lighting Control Systems

Dreaming of getting back to your warm-weather home in Southampton, NY? We completely understand the feeling! But before you start packing your shorts, summer dresses, and short-sleeve shirts, you should ask yourself, “Is my home really ready for me?”

Ensuring your vacation home stays ahead in the tech game is not just a smart move—it's the key to unlocking a world of unparalleled comfort and luxury. Upgrading essential smart home technologies in advance, such as your lighting control systems, is crucial if you want every moment in your vacation retreat to be as comfortable, enjoyable, and luxurious as possible. 

Keep reading this blog to explore why timely upgrades are the heartbeat of a truly extraordinary vacation home.

Protect Your Books & Artwork from Fading with Motorized Shades

How Automated Shades Preserve Your New York City Home

Protect Your Books & Artwork from Fading with Motorized Shades

Have you ever noticed that when you visit the Met, MoMA, or the Whitney, paintings are never in rooms with windows? Windowed areas are reserved for sculptures that won’t fade in sunlight, and skylights are often filtered with frosted glass. 

Art museums understand better than anyone how damaging light is to artwork—and the same applies to your home’s furnishings. Artwork, photography, books, wallpaper, furniture, vinyl records—the things that fill your New York home are all vulnerable to fading in the sunlight. 

Combatting UV rays can, of course, be done with window shades, blinds, and drapes, but do you really want to keep them drawn all day and night? You can simplify window shading with automated motorized shades from smart brands like Lutron

Here’s how Lutron motorized shades work to preserve your New York, NY, home.

Whole-Home Audio Brings Magic to Manhattan Homes

From Quiet Evenings to Lively Parties, Better Entertainment Awaits You

Whole-Home Audio Brings Magic to Manhattan Homes

Entertainment is never hard to come by when you live in Manhattan. But what about nights when you want to stay home away from the crowds? Whole-home audio systems are an innovation tailored for both serene nights and spirited gatherings, no matter what your musical preferences for the occasion!

If you’re ready to transform auditory experiences in your New York living spaces, it’s time for a music upgrade. Keep reading to discover how the Electronic Environments team can bring crystal-clear listening experiences to every corner of your property.


8 West 38th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10018
(212) 997-1110

The Hamptons

50 Station Road
Building 3-2
Water Mill, NY 11976
(631) 488-4747
Lutron Black Diamond Dealer

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