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Top Must-Have Features for Your Smart Home System

Check Out these Technologies & Solutions to Bring to Your Living Space

Top Must-Have Features for Your Smart Home System

A smart home system changes everything about your daily lifestyle in Manhattan, NY. From the moment you wake up to when you go to bed, your smart home looks out for you and anticipates your every need. But for a smart system to accommodate and cater to your whims, you need its essential components.

In this blog, we’re diving into what the top must-have technologies are for your home automation system and why they’re so beneficial for your everyday routine and enjoyments. Keep reading on below for more!

SEE ALSO: A Smart Home System Eases Up Your Day-to-Day


Distributed Audio Video

A whole-home audio-video system can bring so much life to your household. When the options to play loud tunes, stream a new favorite film, and marathon a brand-new show are all available to you and your family, spending time at home becomes a blast! With AV distribution, you can start any form of media in one room and then let it carry over into the next. As long as you have installed speakers and visual displays in place, there isn’t a corner of your home that your AV will not reach. You can even bring the fun outdoors! With the summer months ahead, you can optimize your backyard and patio setup to play your tunes and films outside. Whenever you please, you can unwind by the pool or relax in your backyard as you listen to an audiobook or podcast. The possibilities are endless!

Convenient Lighting & Shading

Home lighting transforms your entire living space with just a press of a button, illuminating it with brilliant lighting or creating an ambiance with a more dimmed setting. The same goes for motorized shades; you can let natural sunlight pour into your home with ease and then easily protect your interiors from that same lighting once it gets too harsh. Smart lighting and shading make it possible to manage your home’s atmosphere with zero hassle. When you wake up, you can set your shades to rise gradually and your lighting to cast a dim, warm glow. At bedtime, press a single button to lower every window treatment, turn off every interior lighting fixture, and ensure your landscape lighting turns on when the sun sets.

Smart Home Network

Of course, for every smart technology and solution to run smoothly, you’ll need a solid foundation for all of them to operate – and this is where your home network comes into play. For a strong and reliable connection, a smart network upgrade or installation is a necessity! At Electronic Environments, we ensure your network doesn’t fall short. When you need your smart technologies to work, you should never worry about them glitching or going unresponsive; and when you need them to work could be any time. Our professional networking services and support guarantee a dependable and secure connection at all hours of the day, so you’re never left hanging.

Want to learn more about what a smart home system can do for you and why these must-have solutions are key for the ideal setup? Give our team a call or fill out our online contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you!

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