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What Goes into a Custom Home Theater Setup?

Lighting, Seating, & Stunning Audiovisuals Create an Immersive Space

What Goes into a Custom Home Theater Setup?

For your next movie night, don’t simply watch your favorite film or TV show premiere – experience it like you would in an immersive theatrical atmosphere. You can have this cinematic experience right in your own Greenwich, CT home with a custom home theater setup.

But what goes into the ultimate cinematic setup? From the automated features to the high-end audiovisuals, your theater needs it all to create the perfect environment for your next viewing. Want to find out more? Just keep reading on below.

SEE ALSO: Experience High-End Audiovisuals with a Home Theater Installation

Stunning Audiovisuals

When you first walk into the local cinema, what do you first notice? Beyond the pop-riddled floors and uncomfortable seating, your eyes more than likely are glued to the screen from the second you enter. The large display draws you in and immerses you from start to finish; you want this same experience in your own theater – minus the dirty floors and old seats!

With a 4K resolution projection screen or flatscreen, you’ll be blown away by every viewing with vivid, lifelike imagery that immerses you into the media entirely. Add a surround sound system that envelops you in high-fidelity audio, and you’ll be transported into the film or show. Sweeping soundtracks, intense dialogue, and the most ambient of noises will reach every ear in the room and make you feel a part of the media.

Lighting & Seating

Why stop at the audiovisuals for your home theater setup? When it comes to the ultimate cinematic experience, you must take everything into consideration. Remember that sticky floor and uncomfortable seating we mentioned above? Of course, you won’t have to deal with either in your own home theater – but what if you could kick the atmosphere up a notch as well?

Luxury seating – with a setup that accommodates your specific layout and never hinders your acoustics – can be both comfy and stylish, matching your designated theme with ease. Climate control lets you manage the temperature before, after, and during your film viewing, so there won’t be any mid-movie freezing or overheating as you might experience in the local theater. Finally, lighting can dim when the show starts and illuminate the pathway out the room to guide anyone needing a bathroom or snack break without having to stumble through the dark.

Want to learn more about what the ultimate custom home theater setup entails? Give our team at Electronic Environments a call or fill out our online contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with us. We look forward to hearing from you!


8 West 38th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10018
(212) 997-1110

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